In order to have the sites you install warrantied by sofSURFACES, you will need to submit the following completed documents upon the completion of every project.
The following documentation will be used to determine your Certified Installer status. Once certified, it is your responsibility to ensure all information presented below is returned to sofSURFACES after the successful completion of each project. Compliance with sofSURFACES’ Certified Installer Program will be calculated by this information and then used as a criterion of the Renewal Process.
Warranty Information Form
Certain information is needed by sofSURFACES in order to process and activate the site’s warranty coverage.
Site information (project name, addresses, site contact information, etc.) and Certified Installer information (such as your certified installer number) will need to be provided after each installation in order to generate the Warranty Certificates that will be supplied (please see example to the right).
Certificates of Completion
Certificates of Completion are to be filled out with the customer during an on-site walk-through. It indicates that they believe the work to be satisfactory and signifies their acceptance of the end product you have provided them. This needs to be completed on site after every installation and submitted to sofSURFACES before warranty certificates will be supplied
The following photographs must be taken at specific milestones as the installation Proceeds: